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Minor Adjustments

Find something odd with my blog? Yeah, yeah I edit my old post from Taglish to English. My first post was in taglish if you have noticed, the reason behind this is to cater the need for better understanding and for some readers to follow easily the instructions from my blog. I have to change it cause I have yo acknowledge foreign readers that have been visiting the blog and also because of Google's Adsense. 
What is Adsense? if your on serious blogging I know for sure that you are familiar with this but  for those that aren't familiar. Adsense is one of Google's Web program and Blogger's gadget to help both blogger and advertisers to earn money. If you are a blogger you will earn  money by posting ads in your blog provided by adsense but being eligible to adsense is not that simple(like in my case I have to change the language).

But don't go loco yet the content of my blog is still the same, so enjoy reading. Next post I'm going to post funny videos and wacky images that I have found on the web. Be first, Be my follower.

A Humble Start

Welcome my fellow pinoy internet savvy. Thank you for visit ng my blog, customized  for us to have whole new experience while browsing the web.

What do you get in this blog?
  • Learn how to get more personal touch with your Facebook account.
  • Learn how to be more productive while in the web, hindi yung browse ka lang ng browse why not browse and earn money while in the web.
  • Have fun in the web, have more fun by learning new site and discover what more can you do while in the web.
  • Reviews of internet software and products.

"Warning:This Blog is Extremely Addicting!"
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